Get your FREE Proven Family Resources

To raise happy, more confident and money smart children.

Enter your details and we will be in touch soon with our best tips and strategies and with most funniest parenting moments :-)

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Congratulations your child is registered for Money Smart Kids @ The Seed Creative 3/6 Belah Rd Port Macquarie
Wed 330PM 9th Feb-30th March 2022
Bring Your Own Device( Laptop or Tablet)

Read this guide BEFORE you come

How Do The Holiday and After School Programs work?
Designed for 7 to 17 year olds

Training your kids to handle money wisely is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children.
We use the FUNancial Freedom online curriculum to take your kids through powerful learning modules.

And encourage, inspire and champion them in:-

LEARN- How money works
EARN- Start own business
ACCELERATE- Invest AND Grow Money
PLAY- Give Back

5 Levels of Wealth, The JEDI Model And How To Avoid The Debt Trap

Holiday camps and after school programs generally go for two hours and are run in both
schools and at our partner premises.

Designed for kids aged 7 to 17.

Animated Learning

High quality animated learning with guest stars like The Rock and Warren Buffett.

Powerful Learning Program

Used by thousands of kids worldwide

Getting Started Today Is Vital

The solution is EDUCATION! Everything starts with Educating our Children & Teens to become money smart.

Hi I'm Justin Pagotto

I'm a social and familypreneur passionate about raising up the next generation of money smart kids who live with purpose.

I am the father of three school aged children myself and have a strong history of teaching kids aged 7 to 14 how to start and run their own businesses.

Plus I don't just talk about business, I actually have run many different businesses and social enterprises from financial advice to ethical procurement to holidays with purpose and family mentoring and consulting.

From holiday camps to after school programs, I love seeing kids eyes light up when learning powerful money tools that set them up for life.

I am a licensed FUNancial Freedom Ambassador, a global animated program that has trained up thousands of kids.

Helping your kids become money smart and avoid the debt trap is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children.
Much love


© Liber8 Me Pty Ltd & 1010 Life - Privacy Policy

Money Smart Kids are passionate FUNancial Freedom Ambassadors