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Stop Struggling To Attract Perfect Clients....

Discover The Proven Way To Nail Your Niche and Your Message 

Does the process of writing copy for your business feel like finger nails on a chalk board?

Or as pleasant as root canal surgery?

Are you frustrated writing sales and marketing copy for your business that powerfully communicates your message?
And failing to showcase what makes you truly unique....

Most business owners make these same two mistakes with devastating results.

1. They never truly identify and understand at a deep level who they really want to serve (perfect clients) and who they want to exclude (your worst nightmare clients). 

2. They never understand what they they are truly selling.

The end result: More businesses fail (or play small) because they don't know their target market than for any other reason.  And your business is forced to be a price taker rather than a price maker.

Well I have good news to share with you...

Why struggle painfully for hours only to finish up with boring, beige, uninspiring copy?
Why not concentrate on what you do best.....selling your products and services and outsource your copy for powerful, precision results?

Where you have crystal clear clarity whom you are serving, their deepest hopes, frustrations, dreams and your customers are amazed, 

 “How did you know all that about me?”

Armed with this powerful knowledge, we build out your copy for your website and social media that reverberates with your perfect clients like a resounding gong.  

Your message and mission totally in sync

I've spent over $50,000 on sales, marketing and copywriting training.

Plus I write copy for my own businesses and my own skin in the game.

Here's proof my copywriting works:

1.Facebook Build A LifeLong Bond With Your Kids Generates Unlimited Leads for $2.50.

2.Linked In Campaign For Medical Missions Generates Leads for $7.
3. Written copy for ads and campaigns that provokes emotional responses from the target market and excludes clients you'd rather avoid.

So you now have two choices.

1. Continue grinding away hoping your copy will hit the the bullseye OR

2. Outsource your blood, sweat, tears and frustration and let us nail your niche and your message.

So If You Are Ready To Transform Your Message,
Here Are Three Outcomes We Deliver

  Outcome #1: Nail My Niche BluePrint   

($297.00 TPR)

Gain laser focus with the 1010 Nail My Niche BluePrint that walks you through a step by step process to identify and fully understand your ideal client's deepest dreams, hopes and desires.

This is the foundation of all your marketing messaging. Once you have completed this exercise, copywriting is easy!

We go deep to 7 levels of understanding.

nail my niche

   Outcome #2:    What Am I Really Selling?  

($197.00 TRP)

The What Am I Really Selling BluePrint helps you to understand what you are really selling.

The answer may truly surprise you.

You become a price maker rather than competing on price with every Tom, Dick and Harry.

What Am I really sellig

Outcome #3: Marketing Copy That Sings To Your Audience & Converts


With the above two outcomes in place, we create powerful, personalised,precision copy that sings to your perfect clients, generating leads and sales.

    ZOOM 1 on 1 Sessions To Hold Your Hand                                  


We walk you through every part of the copywriting process. This gives you peace knowing that we are with you every step of the way and you don't need to spend hours figuring it out yourself.

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IMPORTANT: Legal Disclaimers

We don't believe in quick overnight changes in your business. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our services are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to generate a specific level of sales with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move your business forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of business sales or profits.